The Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska riksmuseet) in Stockholm, one of the ten (10) international institutes and organizations comprising the FishBase Consortium (FBC), hosts a FishBase Symposium in Sweden annually. With the theme “Polarhaven” (The Polar Seas) for this year, the 2017 symposium was organized and successfully conducted on 16 October (Monday) at the Main Auditorium of NRM with 228 attendees.
En vetenskaplig konferens riktad till både forskare och fiskintresserad allmänhet!
Tid: Måndag den 16 oktober 2017, heldag med start 9:30. Registrering från 9:00.
Plats: Stora hörsalen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm.
Poster: Det blir en posterutställning i anslutning till symposiet. Ange i din anmälan om du vill presentera en poster eller annat informationsmaterial.
Anmälan: Lunch ingår om du anmält dig senast 12 oktober 2017. Skicka din anmälan till eller ring 08-51954166.
The preliminary programme is found below. To know more about the speakers, presentations and abstracts, click here. More documents (Swedish) in
For the summary report with details, final program and photos, click here.
Watch lectures chronologically below. Find individual lecture-videos here.