As a marine science student at Pearson College in Canada, 17-year-old Nadia Vaillancourt was looking for a marine conservation-related job to work on while spending her summer vacation in the Philippines. According to Nadia, while using FishBase in a research project in school she had pondered on the work behind FishBase. To gain some experience with FishBase, Nadia volunteered to work at the Qq headquarters from July 22 up to the 31st. Nadia was oriented and trained by Emily Capuli (Qq Senior Research Officer) on her main task which was to encode common names in both FishBase and SeaLifeBase, global species databases (GSDs) being managed by Q-quatics. She was given several references that needed to be encoded for ongoing projects in the Polar Seas and Australia.
Nadia is the firstborn of a Scottish and Canadian couple and has two siblings. In her free time, she enjoys writing short stories and hiking in the woods.