The 23rd FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium: Various uses of these global information platforms and their contributions to aquatic food systems

FishBase – SeaLifeBase Annual Symposium
5-6 September 2022 | WorldFish, Penang, Malaysia


Source: WorldFish

This year’s FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium, a hybrid virtual and in-person event, was an opportunity to illustrate the different uses of FishBase and SeaLifeBase in the fields of ecology, biogeography, fisheries, taxonomy and aquariology. An impressive line-up of speakers were gathered in Penang, Malaysia for this event which ran for the first two days, highlighting the contribution of these two global information systems to the knowledge of biodiversity and the sustainable use of aquatic ecosystems, and those from various other databases.


  • Eddie Allison (WorldFish)
    The expanding application of FishBase & SeaLifeBase in aquatic food systems research and governance
  • Sitilitha Masangwi (Independent)
    FishNutrients: Data innovations supporting improved human nutrition
  • Alex Tilley (WorldFish)
    Near-real-time nutrition-sensitive fisheries
  • Basanta Kumar Das (ICAR-CIFRI)
    Small scale fisheries of the river Ganga with special reference to nutritional Indices
  • Nicolas Bailly (QQuatics)
    Choosing how to consume data from FishBase and SeaLifeBase: database, website, R package, API, WoRMS
  • Cheuk Ho Wu (SWIMS)
    Wielding data from citizen scientists – A showcase in Hong Kong
  • Deng Palomares (UBC/SAU)
    Impact of activity level and temperature on fish growth
  • Athanassios Tsikliras (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
    Remodelling somatic growth space in fishes
  • Eman Salem Alfergani (Omar Al-Mukhtar University)
    Otolith morphology and relationships of common Pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) captured from East Libya Mediterranean coast
  • Rainer Froese (GEOMAR)
    Estimating somatic growth from maximum age or maturation
  • Elizabeth Arnaud (Alliance)
    A fisheries and aquaculture ontology (R)
  • Cristiano Rossignoli (WorldFish)
    Introduction to Aquadata: A work package of the Aquatic Foods Initiative
  • Austin Humphries (University of Rhode Island)
    Implementing a collaborative data collection system to update Lmax values for 100+ species in Indonesia
  • Daniel Pauly (UBC)
    More on the gill-oxygen limitation theory
  • Juliana Lopez Angarita (Talking Oceans Foundation)
    Bright spots for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish in Colombia and Panamá
  • Md Moshiur Rahman (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)
    Length-weight relationships and reproductive aspects of the new species of snapper, Lutjanus xanthopinnis in Terengganu waters, Malaysia
  • Ariadna Burgos (IRD/WorldFish)
    Lingua franca: Ethnoecological challenges in sampling aquatic invertebrate species
  • Subha Bhassu (University of Malaya)
    Aquatic biodiversity research using environmental DNA tools in addressing sustainability management in Malaysia
  • Bijay Kumar Behera (ICAR-CIFRI)
    Genetic diversity of Indian major carps from four riverine ecosystems
  • Zarul Hazrin Hashim (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
    The Origin of Highland Fishes: Hypothetical propositions
  • Celia Schunter (SWIMS)
    Declining population sizes and loss of genetic diversity in commercial fishes: A simple method for a first diagnostic
  • Jos Snoeks (Africa Museum)
    Fish diversity studies in Central and Eastern Africa: from morphology to genomics
  • Fabrice Teletchea (Université de Lorraine)
    Assessment of the why and how Aquariums and FishBase can work together to improve the knowledge and conservation of fish. What’s next?
  • David Davies (AG Unity)
    Leveraging Web3 to explore sustainable financing of FishBase & SeaLifeBase

Agenda | Photos | Videos: Day 1 and Day 2

Organizing Committee

Chair: Alex Tilley, Senior Scientist – 2022/23 Chair of the FishBase Consortium
Organizing Committee Members

  1. Aniss Khalid, Communications Officer – Events and Media Monitoring, Communications
  2. Daniel Purba, Senior IT Engineer, MIS (Management Information Systems)
  3. Edward Allison, Acting Director Sustainable Aquatic Foods Systems
  4. Emily Khor, Portfolio Manager, Project Management Unit
  5. Essam Mohammed, Interim Director General and Acting Senior Director of Aquatic Foods Systems
  6. Florine Lim, Interim Global Communications Lead, Communications
  7. Kalah Devi Muniandy, Procurement Specialist, Procurement
  8. Muhammad Hafizullah Mirhassan, Research Program Specialist, Cross-cutting
  9. Patric Lim, Management Information Systems Lead, MIS (Management Information Systems)
  10. Pauline Michael, Office Administrator, Project Management Unit
  11. Shng Shng Sam, Webmaster, Communications
  12. Salina Ariffin, Executive Secretary, Administration
  13. Sean Lee, Science Communications Specialist, Communications
  14. Siew Hua Koh, Administrative Executive, Administration


WorldFish Headquarters (Malaysia) 
Jalan Batu Maung, Batu Maung,
11960 Bayan Lepas,
Penang, Malaysia
Tel: (+60-4) 628 6888
Fax: (+60-4) 626 5530

Source: WorldFish 


About Joann Glorioso

Events Coordinator / Communications & Public Relations Officer

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