Beyond eponymic scientific names

A year since Dr. Daniel Pauly received a copy of the book “Eponym Dictionary of Fishes,” this resource has been instrumental in supplying the fundamental information on the origins of all eponyms in FishBase –a task that’s now nearing its completion.

Recently, the publishers reached out to Dr. Pauly to remind him about his pending task. Apparently, the book was sent to him specifically for his review. The outcome of Dr. Pauly’s contemplations on fish eponyms –what they truly represent, their broader implications for biology or science in general, and relevance to scientists, is encapsulated in his book review titled “On More Than Fish Eponyms. Book Review,” which readers can check out on the MDPI website or Dr. Pauly’s personal page.



About Joann Glorioso

Events Coordinator / Communications & Public Relations Officer

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