Fisheries research overestimates fish stocks

Experts Call for More Realistic Stock Assessments The state of fish stocks in the world’s oceans is worse than previously thought. While overfishing has long been blamed on fisheries policies setting catch limits higher than scientific recommendations, a new study from four Australian research institutions reveals that even those scientific…

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Shark Alert: Global study documents increasing trend in shark mortality, identifies pathways to save threatened species

Sharks have persisted as powerful ocean predators for more than 400 million years. They survived five mass extinctions, diversifying into an amazing variety of forms and lifestyles. But this ancient lineage is now among the world’s most threatened species groups due to overexploitation in poorly regulated fisheries and the . Governments…

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‘Nobel Prize for Environment’ awarded to Ocean Whistleblowers calling for high seas fishing ban

Daniel Pauly and Rashid Sumaila are awarded the 2023 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement for their rigorous scientific work to end overfishing and restore equity to our oceans. LOS ANGELES, CA, FEB 22, 2023: The 2023 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, often described as the ‘Nobel Prize for the Environment’,…

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Ecosystem-based fisheries management restores western Baltic fish stocks

Marine scientists from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany), the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz, BfN, Germany) and the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources at the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy teamed up to test and predict how different marine life in the…

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Message from Deng Palomares for World Oceans Day 2022

For World Oceans Day 2002, Dr. Maria Lourdes Palomares, ‘Deng’ to her colleagues, family and friends, Board Member of Q-quatics and Project Manager of the Sea Around Us, was one of the selected few researchers at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries to be featured…

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A group of nearly 300 scientists/experts urge the WTO to eliminate harmful subsidies on global fisheries

Global fisheries makes an important contribution to the health and nutrition of millions of people. Unfortunately, in many cases, this industry is not carried out sustainably –more is taken out than regrows, fish are caught before they can reproduce, heavy fishing gears are destroying the seabed, more climate-damaging CO2 is…

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Application of CMSY to reanalyze longest time series of catches and largest fishery collapse in history

Results of using CMSY, advanced yet easy to use fish stock assessment model developed at GEOMAR by Froese et al., to reanalyze more than five centuries of cod fishing in Eastern Canada suggests that annual yields could have been sustained at high levels if authorities had allowed the stock of…

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First-ever stock assessments in Lake Edward System, East Africa using data-poor methods developed at GEOMAR

A new paper co-authored by Dr Rainer Froese (Senior Scientist at GEOMAR and Co-founder of FishBase), “Assessment of exploited fish species in the Lake Edward System, East Africa” applied data-poor methods developed at GEOMAR and produced several first-ever stock assessments. Summary: The unknown status of inland fish stocks hinders their sustainable…

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Maximum Sustainable Yield –misconstrued and abused

In the new paper published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science, “MSY needs no epitaph –but it was abused” authored by FishBase creators Dr Daniel Pauly (Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us initiative at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries) and Dr Rainer Froese (Senior Scientist…

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Rainer Froese wins Ocean Awards in science

Here’s good news amidst the COVID-19 crisis, just what everyone needs to hear right now. Dr. Rainer Froese has been selected as the winner for the Science category of this year’s Ocean Awards! Huge congratulations to FishBase co-founder and long-term coordinator! It’s a well-deserved award for Dr. Froese in recognition of his commitment to solving the ocean crisis. The organizers, UK-based BOAT International and Blue Marine Foundation, have announced the winners by category each day since Monday, 4 May 2020 on their respective websites and social media accounts. The news on the Science Award winner was officially released last among all categories, on Friday 8 May 2020. All the results will also be published in the June 2020 issue of BOAT International.

Ocean Awards honor and celebrate people and organisations who work tirelessly to help address the largest solvable problem on the planet – the crisis in our oceans. This year’s winners were chosen for taking strides to improve the health of the marine environment, with sustainable management of marine resources and public engagement efforts surrounding the oceans.

For the Science Award, Dr. Froese was chosen and recognized by a panel of 10 esteemed and independent judges for the following extraordinary reasons:

“Rainer Froese, who helped create the successful online encyclopedia on fish, FishBase, received the Science Award for empowering independent scientists to assess fish populations swiftly in ways that challenge conventional wisdom. He applied the first of these methods to a reassessment of European fish stocks which showed that the fishing industry could catch an additional 5 million tonnes – twice the what is produced from fish farming – if fisheries management was done properly and according to European law. His most recent breakthrough enabled the assessment of 38 data-poor North Sea species such as the thorny skate and Vahl’s eelpout, showing that the population of half of them was so small that reproduction may be impaired. The findings are likely to require some species to be listed as endangered and for the EU to return them all to favourable conservation status. Rainer also had the idea to look at where trawling was most intense in European waters – and his colleagues discovered that trawlers were, scandalously, most active in Europe’s designated marine reserves.”

Dr. Rainer Froese developed a computer program that measures stability and sustainability of fish stocks. “Our methods apply powerful statistics and heavy number-crunching to find the combination of stock size and exploitation that is best compatible with the available information,” says Dr. Froese. “There is no longer any excuse for not managing fisheries so that healthy stocks produce healthy catches,” he added.

Read more from BOAT International, “Ocean Awards 2020: Could a Computer Program be the Answer to Overfishing?” and from BLUE Marine Foundation: “Ocean Awards 2020 Winners

Watch this video produced by the award-giving bodies celebrating Dr. Froese:

Listen to the podcast as BLUE Marine Foundation delved into a deeper conversation with this year’s extraordinary awardee here>>

Also read Dr. Froese’s interview with Charles Clover, Executive Director at Blue Marine Foundation, where he expressed how COVID-19 could help to end overfishing in Europe’s seas forever. Find it here>>Ocean Award Winner Urges EU Not To Squander The Fisheries Bonus of Lockdown.