The four-day World Fish Congress 2021 held late September in Adelaide, Australia had over 800 presentations, including the one by Dr. Daniel Pauly, co-creator of FishBase and Principal Investigator of Sea Around Us. The WFC2021 was conducted in a hybrid format –with both in-person and online presentations and discussion forums, and recorded sessions. Dr. Pauly delivered his presentation on his latest study virtually.
Titled “Documenting and mapping the global expansion of industrial fishing from 1950 to 2018,” Pauly’s presentation explains some of the reasons behind the reduction of the fish biomass throughout the world and the methods behind, and results of a series of global assessments carried out by the Sea Around Us team. It was based on the latest work he conducted with his colleagues and collaborators from GEOMAR and Q-quatics, namely Dr. Maria Palomares, Luisa Abucay, Dr. Nicolas Bailly, Sydney Baxter, Elizabeth David, Selina de Leon, Maria Frias-Donaghey, Angelica Parducho, Rebecca Schijns, Dr. Gabriel Vianna, Dr. Rainer Froese and Dr. Dirk Zeller.
The World Fisheries Congress is held every four years and the largest gathering of the research, industry and management sectors enabling the global fisheries community to explore, discuss and debate key innovations, latest research, challenges and opportunities facing the global fisheries community today.
Watch the video of Dr. Pauly’s presentation below.
Sources: Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud, Sea Around Us Communications Officer, PressReader and Amazon.