New in FishBase: Fish micronutrient profile

A treasure trove of vital nutritional data about fish species from all around the world is being made freely available –plugging a knowledge gap that will bolster efforts to tackle malnutrition. The new initiative aims to make information about fish micronutrients accessible through FishBase and FAO’s International Network of Food Data Systems. It…

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First-ever stock assessments in Lake Edward System, East Africa using data-poor methods developed at GEOMAR

A new paper co-authored by Dr Rainer Froese (Senior Scientist at GEOMAR and Co-founder of FishBase), “Assessment of exploited fish species in the Lake Edward System, East Africa” applied data-poor methods developed at GEOMAR and produced several first-ever stock assessments. Summary: The unknown status of inland fish stocks hinders their sustainable…

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FishBase’s 30th and SeaLifeBase’s 15th Anniversary Campaign

The year 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of FishBase and 15th anniversary of SeaLifeBase, two online global biodiversity information systems that, together, provide biological and ecological information for more than 110,000 aquatic species of the world. As part of a year-long digital campaign aimed at celebrating the anniversaries of FishBase and SeaLifeBase in times of…

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Maximum Sustainable Yield –misconstrued and abused

In the new paper published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science, “MSY needs no epitaph –but it was abused” authored by FishBase creators Dr Daniel Pauly (Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us initiative at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries) and Dr Rainer Froese (Senior Scientist…

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Daniel Pauly is the 2021 recipient of the FSBI’s Beverton Medal

The Sea Around Us Principal Investigator and FishBase co-creator Dr.  has recently been awarded with the Beverton Medal for 2021 by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles in recognition of his groundbreaking research and lifelong contribution to the study of fish and fisheries science. The Beverton Medal is FSBI’s most senior award and…

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