Dr. Todd Miller, Recruitment, Energetics and Coastal Assessment Program Manager at NOAA Fisheries and lead of IsotopeBase, a global database for stable isotopes and trophic levels in aquatic food webs was at Qq headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna (Philippines) on 31 July 2019. Todd met with Josephine ‘Skit’ Barile (IT Thematic Group Leader) and Patricia ‘Pat’ Yap (Research Analyst for collaborative work. Todd and Skit went over the latest version of IsotopeBase before its initial integration into FishBase and SeaLifeBase
Since 2018, Todd has been providing references on Arctic marine species for the AWI Polar Seas project which is now part of his work with NOAA as they shift their research focus on the Arctic due to climate change and rapid melting of ice. On the other hand, Qq also provides Dr. Miller with new references for their research work in the Arctic. Todd and Pat went over how the references are managed by Qq from organizing, data encoding, and quarterly reporting, and discussed remaining deliverables for the third quarter of 2019.
According to Todd, he’s hoping that the present collaborative work with Qq will be a good platform for future projects.