Daniel Pauly and Deng Palomares present to the EU Parliament’s Committee of Fisheries

  Participating to present the “Role and impact of China on world fisheries and aquaculture”, a report commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee of Fisheries, Dr Daniel Pauly (FishBase pioneer and the Sea Around Us‘ Principal Investigator) and Dr Ma. Lourdes ‘Deng’ Palomares (Sea Around Us’ Program Manager and the…

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Expecting aquaculture to ‘feed the world’ may be unrealistic, UBC-led study shows

Trends in global aquaculture growth rates reveal that the 101 million tonnes of farmed fish intergovernmental bodies expect countries to produce by 2030 may be unrealistic. A new study led by researchers at the University of British Columbia presents evidence suggesting that global aquaculture growth rates peaked at 14.1 per cent in…

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